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Dr. Luis Macias developed the 360 Mommy Makeover in Santa Monica as an improvement to the ever-popular traditional mommy makeover. Often, our Marina del Rey patients would ask how they could improve their overall figure and match their silhouette to their new and improved tummy.

The answer was simple. Instead of disposing of the fat harvested during liposuction, Dr. Luis could use it to add volume to depressions like the “hip dip” and enhance the overall figure. Thus, the 360 Mommy Makeover was born!

Video Thumbnail of Dr. Luis Macias talking about 360 Mommy Makeover

What is a 360 Mommy Makeover?

What is the 360 Mommy Makeover?

The 360 Mommy Makeover is a comprehensive approach to rediscovering your firm, pre-baby body. The procedure is completely tailored to your specific needs, and may include:

  • No-Drain (Drainless) Tummy Tuck. Your tummy tuck may be a full or mini version of the procedure, along with muscle repair, if necessary. It is designed to restore a tight abdomen and improve the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Liposuction. During the 360 Mommy Makeover, Dr. Macias performs circumferential (360 degrees) liposuction on the abdomen, waist, love handles, and lower back. During the procedure, his focus is on removing stubborn deposits of unwanted fat to sculpt a smooth and shapely figure.
  • Fat transfer/grafting. Once liposuction is complete, Dr. Macias will use the unwanted fat to augment the rest of your body. In many cases, this involves smoothing out the “hip dip” (C-Points) and naturally augmenting the buttocks (BBL).
  • Breast enhancement. Enhancing the breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding is an integral part of restoring your feminine shape. This process may include a breast augmentation, breast lift, breast lift with implants, or breast reduction, depending on your unique needs.

Am I a candidate?

The ideal candidate for a 360 Mommy Makeover is a Hermosa Beach woman who is close to her ideal weight and in good general health, but feels that her body has changed after having children and would like to improve her figure. The typical mommy makeover patient wants to correct:

  • Sagging breasts
  • Excess skin and stretch marks
  • Stubborn deposits of fat that are not responsive to diet or exercise

In addition, you should be finished having children before undergoing a mommy makeover in Marina del Rey, as subsequent pregnancies may affect your results.

Woman in coat wearing sunglasses


The recovery period associated with the 360 Mommy Makeover varies depending on your specific procedure combination. As a general rule, you should allow for two weeks off of your main activities (work, social engagements, etc.). If muscle repair is performed, you will need to avoid exercise for eight weeks.

What is the cost of a mommy makeover procedure?

Your Santa Monica mommy makeover investment will vary depending on the extent of the procedure, your surgeon’s fee, the hospital costs, anesthesia fees and more. Set up your consultation to get an exact quote from our team.

FAQ Mommy Makeover

Can I have surgery if I’m still breastfeeding?

No. We ask that our Manhattan Beach patients wait until they are finished breastfeeding before undergoing most procedures, including our 360 Mommy Makeover. This is because most anesthetics, pain medications and antibiotics pass through breast milk.

When should I schedule my mommy makeover?

The best time to schedule your mommy makeover is at least one year after having your last child. However, this is a general rule, and Dr. Macias can provide you with personalized guidance during your initial consultation at our office. When you are ready, feel free to contact us at any time to schedule an appointment for arguably the best Mommy Makeover Marina del Rey has to offer.

What are the complications associated with a mommy makeover?

All surgeries carry a degree of risk. Though rare, possible complications after a mommy makeover include bleeding, infection, slow wound healing and more. During the planning stages of your procedure, our Marina del Rey team will talk to you about these complications and teach you how to reduce your personal risk.


Dr. Luis Macias

To take your next step in cosmetic enhancement, your next step is a consultation with Dr. Macias. Please call our office to schedule an appointment.

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