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If your double chin makes you look older or heavier than you are, Kybella is a non-surgical, virtually no-downtime treatment that can help.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable treatment that is designed to correct moderate to severe submental fat (double chin). It works by destroying fat cells in the target area, improving your profile and restoring smooth and attractive facial contours.

What is Submental Fullness?

Also known as a “double chin,” submental fullness is the term used to describe excess fatty deposits beneath the chin. It’s a very common aesthetic condition that can create an aged and heavy appearance. It can develop due to weight gain, the natural aging process and genetics.

What to Know

In a clinical trial that found Kybella to be safe and effective, 82.4 percent of people reported that their appearance was significantly improved after receiving the injections.

Beautiful Middle aged woman holding chin and neck

Kybella vs Facial Liposuction

Before Kybella, the only way to reduce a double chin that was unresponsive to diet and exercise was with surgery – usually ultra-precise liposuction along the neck. That remains an option for many of our Marina del Rey patients, particularly if they are already undergoing a neck lift or facelift to contour the jawline, address heavy jowls and correct lax skin in the area.

However, if you want to postpone or avoid surgery, Kybella is a highly effective, non-surgical option that melts away excess fat beneath the chin and reveals a younger, slimmer and more confident you.

The Treatment Experience

Our Master Providers perform Kybella injections in Marina del Rey at the comfort of our office. To begin, we will mark the treatment area and administer a numbing agent to ensure your comfort. We will then place between 20 and 50 injections directly into the excess fat beneath your chin. The active ingredient in Kybella – deoxycholic acid – will destroy the targeted fat cells and your body will clear them away gradually over the next several weeks.

Most of our Marina del Rey patients require more than one Kybella session to achieve their ideal results. Each appointment is scheduled one month apart and you may receive up to six sessions.

FAQ Kybella

How much does Kybella cost?

We tailor each treatment experience, with most of our Marina del Rey patients requiring between two and six sessions to achieve their optimal results. Set up your Kybella consultation where we can provide a personalized quote.

Am I a candidate?

Because Kybella injections are non-surgical and extremely safe, they tend to be appropriate for most of our Marina del Rey patients who struggle with moderate to severe submental fat. To be considered an ideal candidate, you must be 18 years or older and not pregnant or nursing. If you wish to learn more, contact us today and schedule a consultation for one of the best treatments of Kybella Marina del Rey has to offer.


Aesthetic MdR

To take your next step in cosmetic enhancement, your next step is a consultation with one of our providers. Please call our office to schedule an appointment.

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