What is the cost of a tummy tuck?
When it comes to Dr. Macias’ precise drainless tummy tuck technique, the price range can vary based on your goals for the procedure. Set up a consultation to meet with our team.
What will my scars look like?
Dr. Macias will create two small incisions while performing your drainless tummy tuck – one near your belly button and another above your pubic bone. Dr. Macias will go to great lengths to position and close the incisions in a way that ensures a discreet scar. However, the final result will depend largely on your history of scarring and how your body heals.
Is recovery painful?
Some pain is to be expected following a drainless tummy tuck. However, Dr. Macias will provide you with prescription medication to help manage your discomfort for the first few days of the healing process. If you are interested, call us at anytime to schedule a consultation for arguably the best tummy tuck Marina del Rey has to offer.
Will a tummy tuck get rid of stretch marks?
Yes, a tummy tuck can address stretch marks.
Where are the tummy tuck scars?
Scars from a tummy tuck procedure are usually just above the pubic region and span from one hip bone to the other.
What procedures are usually combined with a tummy tuck?
Breast lifts, breast augmentation, arm lifts, thigh lifts, and liposuction of the hips, back, or thighs are often performed in tandem with a tummy tuck.
Is combining procedures with a tummy tuck safe?
Years of successfully combined procedures indicate that it is totally safe to perform multiple surgeries at the same time. It helps patients cut down on costs and time away from their responsibilities.
What types of complications may occur with a tummy tuck?
As with any surgical procedure, a tummy tuck comes with certain risks. Some of these include seroma (fluid accumulation beneath the skin), poor wound healing, aesthetically displeasing scars, tissue damage, and changes in skin sensation in the treated area.